Suchergebnisse mit Tag „bug“
I'm working on one Moose-based project and ran into bad difficulties yesterday. Suspicious compile time errors, default value subroutines being called way too early and with an empty hash reference as argument instead of an object. It took me hours and some hints from #moose on to find a workaround and finally today, I was able to reproduce the problem.
SELECT-INSERT-UPDATE - Kombinationen sind unzuverlässig, die Gefahr eines doppelten Datensatzes der eigentlich einmalig sein sollte, ist zu groß. Die Alternativen funktionieren aber auch nicht immer, denn mySQL verhält sich inkonsistent.
mySQL Date Bug: `date` >= '2012-03-01 00:00:00' is not the same as `date` >= '2012-3-01 00:00:00'
Mär 04
I'm loving it! Really, mySQL is an interesting creature. It's full of surprises and you never know what it'll do. There seems to be a date bug which took me only about an hour to find.
I took away 90% of a recently developed job's memory usage lately, but it's still leaking memory and I don't want to accept this.
Happy new year to all of you!
A recently finished refactoring-project heavily uses Memcached to speed up access to calculated statistics data, but creation of this data is very slow and I decided to preheat the cache by filling it within a nightly cronjob.
A new problem appeared about a week ago: Perl paniced - something I've never seen before - with an internal error message "attempt to copy freed scalar". The problem occurred in which is a Perl core module.
Padre is not only "some open source project I'm involved", but a tool I'm using for every day's work. Yesterdays "svn update" brought a new bug, files as ticket #1286. Hunting down a newline issue isn't that easy, because many things from Wx events, encoding, line ending up to keypress-events or intelligent code suggestion may have the bug.