Suchergebnisse mit Tag „cpan“


Setting up DKIM email signatures with Perl

DKIM may be called as PGP successor: PGP has been used by many people for signing their emails at a time when mostly technical related people had been using the internet. Today, few people still use PGP to sign their emails, but email servers took over this part using a technology called DKIM.


Digest::SHA1 Workaround

MovableType is still using the old, deprecated Digest::SHA1 module in some versions. Using the newer Digest::SHA is recommended and MT will switch in future versions, but Digest::SHA1 is currently still required for commentor logins in some versions.


End tag mismatch - MovableType WordPress Import

I tried MovableType just before setting up WordPress for this blog. It didn't offer the features I wanted (okay, WordPress still doesn't have them, but it promised to have them and so it won). After trying out MT again, I want to have it. But what about my existing articles, comments, settings? That's (the only reason) why I'm still using WordPress.

4,3 billion people living in France


Look at the title and you're done. No need to add a text to this post if everything is said in the title. Not really? France is too small to hold half of the world's population? No way! My computer told me that 4.294.967.296 people live in France - and computers don't fail, you know?


GoogleTalk with Perl

I tried to set up a little notification daemon in one of my projects: It should send a message to my GoogleTalk account for special events and that should be easy using one of the huge amount of Jabber/XMPP modules on CPAN.

Farabi - a web based Perl editor

Azawawi introduced his newest tool to the #Padre channel today: Farabi, a web-based Perl editor/interpreter/everything.

Frustating search disability

Encoding is fun. A shirt stating "Schei? encoding" is very popular among German developers. My boss discovered a bad encoding problem yesterday and we've been spending hours searching for the reasons and a solution.

I need to encode and decode a complete hash tree (a value which might be a reference which might contain other references which might contain other references which...) and there is no "Encode::Tree" or "Hash::Encode" module on CPAN.


Compressing test for short strings

Data is getting bigger and bigger as technology advances. We didn't even think about using something inefficent like XML when I started writing sourcecode on a Datapoint 6600 or even in MS-DOS world, but today? A meg more or less doesn't matter today. But sometimes space is still premium and so it is for my current project. I'm working with short strings (text plus some extra chars, about 6 bit  per char) and they should be compressed.

(Don't) Panic: attempt to copy freed scalar 135c588 to 13767c0 at

A new problem appeared about a week ago: Perl paniced - something I've never seen before - with an internal error message "attempt to copy freed scalar". The problem occurred in which is a Perl core module.

Useless stuff on CPAN

There are well-written and not-so-well-written modules on CPAN, but I didn't discover any really bad stuff until now. The module I discovered today is also not bad stuff, but just "completely useless" - but it's that good crap that it's worth a blog post :-)

New YAWF::Object::MongoDB on CPAN

The MongoDB abstraction layer YAWF::Object::MongoDB finally made it's version 0.02 release to CPAN yesterday.

A lot of bugs have been fixed, some minor, some major and many new tests have been added.

The new version supports grouping of (top level) keys:

use YAWF::Object::MongoDB (   keys       => [     {         birch => 1,         oak   => 1,         color => 1,     },     {         deer => 1,         boar   => 1,         color => 1,     },
This will push birch, oak and color in one group (group 0) and deer, boar and color in another group (group 1).

While fetching a document out of the database using ->new(), all the keys from group 0 will be fetched. Accessing one of the keys from another group (1 or higher) will add all the keys from their group(s). "color" is part of two groups, it will be fetched if either group is being requested.

Accessing any undefined key using get_column() will download the whole database document.

This is very new and even if a test script is there and it passes, there might be bugs and issues. Grouping isn't currently part of the POD documentation and using ->list will still ignore it. Please test it and comment and once I consider it to be some kind of "stable", I'll add it to POD.



YAWF finally on CPAN

YAWF is "yet another web framework", but do we really need this? Not really, but I wrote it anyway :-)

YAWF is easy to use and isn't as flexible as other frameworks, but this is an advantage: A new YAWF project can be created very quick and you already got sessioning, database connections, object and relation creation from the database structure and some more things.


Perl, MongoDB und das Ende

In den bisherigen Artikeln zu diesem Thema hatte ich bereits angekündigt, ein kleines Projekt mit MongoDB umzusetzen - und das habe ich auch getan. Dabei hat sich MongoDB gut geschlagen, abgesehen von den beschriebenen Anfänger-Hürden sind (bisher) keine weiteren Probleme aufgetreten.

Mein Wrapper-Modul YAWF::Object::MongoDB ist bereits auf CPAN und sollte in den nächsten Stunden auch im Index verfügbar sein.


WordPress plugin for Perl bloggers

People blogging about Perl often mention CPAN modules, but linking them to their CPAN site is quite nasty.

Here is a plugin for WordPress which converts all module names to CPAN-links (as long as they include a double colon): CPAN Auto Link Generator

Simply write CPAN::Testers within your blog post and it will show up as a link for the reader.
