Suchergebnisse mit Tag „hash“


Hash function speed comparison

I need to hash strings to a shorter checksum on a "BigData" heavy-throughput project. The common choice would be SHA, probably SHA1 for speed reasons or CRC32 as the checksums will be used internally only and don't need to be cryptographic secure. A StackExchange answer suggested MurmurHash3, but how does it play with Perl?


Reference found where even-sized list expected

I started working myself though a long list of unfixed warnings today and encountered something I didn't see before: Reference found where even-sized list expected at project/ The message seems to be clear, but do you find the problem at line 573?


The five faces of a Perl hash item

PHP calls it associative array, JavaScript calls it object and - in the eyes of other (older) languages like C, BASIC, Pascal or Perl - all of them are wrong. An array has some items which may be addressed using their position in the list, but only a Perl hash has named keys. A hash is basically an (unordered) list of items where each item has a key and a value - but that value may have one of many different states.


Hash to string race

How to convert a hash to a string? Perl is TIMTOWTDY but which way is the fastest? I need a checksum (hash, digest) for the hash, so the string must be the same for the same hash every time. Hash keys are not sorted, even a simple join('', keys(%hash)) may be different for each call (if the hash has at least two keys).

When slower is better: Secure your passwords

It happend to PerlMonks, Sony and many others: A plain text password table was stolen from the database. Read this carefully to not become the next one on that list.



Den heutigen Tag habe ich gefühlt nur mit Bugfixes verbracht. Keine komplizierten, schwer zu findenden Bugs, sondern kleine fiese dumme Minikäfer die einfach nur nervig sind.
