Suchergebnisse mit Tag „memcached“


Memcached vs. Redis

When it comes to application-level caching, only two options seem to exist: Memcached and Redis. I've been using Memcached for years but wanted to re-check my choice just before adding a caching layer to another project.


Kollegen für Perl, PHP, Design, DevOps und Sysadmin gesucht

Zoe sieht beim Abendessen mein T-Shirt: "Was heißt denn Schpark Punkt Punkt Punkt Punkt Punkt fünf?" Sie lernt lesen und alles was Buchstaben hat, ist derzeit interessant. Zufällig war es ein Firmen T-Shirt von der letzten Weihnachtsfeier - und da steht nunmal "Spark5" drauf. Der richtige Anlass, endlich einen Blog-Post über unsere freien Stellen zu schreiben.


Die perfekte Datenbank

Früher war die Sache einfach: Eine Textdatei oder später ein tie-Call und die Daten waren gespeichert. Heute kämpfen verschiedene Datenbanken um die Vorherrschaft - aber eine wirklich gute Option scheint es nicht zu geben, man kann nur das kleinste Übel wählen.

Using Memcache for session storage

We started using Memcache for a project some time ago and the sessions of our web users had been one of the first functions using it. Here is how to use Memcache to reduce database load and speed up your websites.

Using Memcache as database locking helper

Race conditions are nice: Two (or more) tasks are fighting for the same thing at the same time. Row locking on the database may help to avoid such races but only if the database supports them.

Hunting down a very good secured memory leak

I took away 90% of a recently developed job's memory usage lately, but it's still leaking memory and I don't want to accept this.


Hunting down a memory leak

Happy new year to all of you!

A recently finished refactoring-project heavily uses Memcached to speed up access to calculated statistics data, but creation of this data is very slow and I decided to preheat the cache by filling it within a nightly cronjob.


Memcached statistics (stats command)

Memcached is a great tool for speeding up your database access. A "stats" command returns usage statistics but few documentation is available on what's returned.


Intelligent caching for alltime statistics

Statistics are important for many projects, but not all of them are easy to build. Many long-term stats involve heavy SQL queries and some may of these queries may also freeze database servers or tables. Caching intermediate results may limit these queries to a minimum.