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mySQL clients tend to loose their connections from time to time and DBD::mysql could reestablish the connection automatically if it's lost using the mysql_auto_reconnect DSN connection string parameter - creating other problems.
International projects usually provide services to different countries - in different timezones. There is a easy solution using SET time_zone, but any connection variable is lost once the connection is terminated because they're stored on the server for the running connection only.
Choose one: Either mySQL has gone away messages crashing your script (or breaking followup stuff) or a wrong timezone for DATETIME columns and NOW() calls.
I tried to get a DBI Callback on every automatic reconnect but failed - they're done somewhere within DBD::mySQL or the mySQL client libs and even DBI doesn't notice them (proofed using Devel::Trace: No Perl code is running while reconnecting). Another try was using private DBI variables - but they survive the reconnect.
Here is a short demonstration of the problem:
#!/usr/bin/perl -lThe DBD::mysql has a hidden solution, it's not mentioned within the reconnect parts of the DBD::mySQL POD but on the same page: mysql_init_command.use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=test;host=test;user=test;password=test");$dbh->{mysql_auto_reconnect} = 1;
$dbh->do("SET time_zone=\"Europe/Helsinki\""); # Given your default timezone isn't Helsinkiprint $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT @@time_zone');print $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
print $dbh->do("KILL connection_id()"); # Kill my own connectionprint $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT @@time_zone'); # Including auto-reconnectprint $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
DBD::mysql runs the mysql_init_command (part of the DSN string) just after connecting and on every automatic reconnect:
#!/usr/bin/perl -luse DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:database=test;host=test;user=test;password=test;mysql_init_command=SET time_zone="Europe/Helsinki"');$dbh->{mysql_auto_reconnect} = 1;
$dbh->do("SET time_zone=\"Europe/Helsinki\""); # Given your default timezone isn't Helsinkiprint $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT @@time_zone');print $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
print $dbh->do("KILL connection_id()"); # Kill my own connectionprint $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT @@time_zone'); # Including auto-reconnectprint $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
2 Kommentare. Schreib was dazu-
Peter (Stig) Edwards
23.09.2012 11:18
23.09.2012 18:49
Good suggestion to mention mysql_init_command within the reconnect parts of the DBD::mysql POD. Patches/suggestions can be sent to https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=DBD-mysql and/or the mailing list / maintainer https://github.com/CaptTofu/DBD-mysql/blob/master/README#L126
"Fixing" it now might break with many applications which assume the current behavior and I don't think that a new DBI callback would be that easy to set up, but I'll open a ticket for the issue.